August 2022 Monthly Meeting

  • Nicholas Chua
  • August 02, 2022
  • Posted in

Hello everyone!

There are some changes for our Monthly Meeting and we will be trying something different for this month. The meeting which is happening on 7th August 2pm will be held at the SGF Marketplace beside booth C06 (our booth!). The empty space there will be cordoned off for racks and our table display. Due to the potential crowd, there will NOT be a talk for this month. Instead, only a table display and some commentary will be conducted. Shuttle service is available from the botany center to the marketplace.

You may drop off your plants at the marketplace first before looking for a parking space. Should you have any queries regarding the arrangement, please feel free to email us or send us a message on Facebook. We look forward to seeing you and your plants this Sunday! 

Thank you!
